Àngela Milián


Àngela Milián


PHONE: 670 86 14 20

EMAIL: comunicacion@restaurantevinatea.com

Àngela Milián didn’t choose cooking as a profession, she chose it as her own communication language. When Vinatea opened their doors, our chef only has one year old. For this, since child, she grows up in the restaurant.

At eighteen years old, she moved to Barcelona, where she studied and concluded her Graphic Design studies, but her gastronomy passion was the reason she came to Morella to be plenty focus in the restaurant. Àngela began by developing the restaurant’s desserts and gradually moved into the kitchen. Since then, she has not stopped training, learning by herself and at important schools such as Gasma.

Her hallmark is based on a cuisine that goes beyond the conventional, where local and seasonal products blends with the most exotic flavours, aromas and textures, using the most avant-garde techniques. This essence has earned her important awards such as the Comunitat Valenciana Young Promise.

Cooking allows her to express her creativity in an alternative way to words. For this reason, she is always looking for a new experiences that help her to add value to her cooking. Travelling becomes a new opportunity to learn more about his passion, turning each dish into a different and unique proposal.


What our customers say




Bib Gourmand

Àngela has achieved the renewal of the Bib Gourmand of the Michelin guide from 2017 to the present.


Onda Cero Gastronomy Award

Àngela won this award in 2020. .


2017. Young Promising Chef of Comunitat Valenciana

Àngela obtained this recognition in 2017.

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